A refill kit is a complete set of first aid items packaged in a clear plastic bag. The bag is supplied with a lot number, end expiry date and is TGA approved
Some advantages of using the refill pack option:
- Saves time and costs in regards to sourcing first aid providers that provide a restocking service.
- If your kit contents are contaminated or damage a refill kit is an option to replace the items with new contents.
- When new hazards have been identified through a first-aid risk assessment, it may be easier to include new contents via a custom refill pack.
- Replacement items can be used for in-house training if not contaminated
- For kits that are located remotely, on secure sites, or difficult to access, a refill kit may be a suitable option to change over the contents
- Refill kits can be customised through EFAP Australia Pty Ltd
First Aid Refill Kit
First Aid Refill Kit
First Aid Refill Kit