AED Information Session: Utilizing an AED alongside CPR Techniques
EFAP Australia provides a non-accredited defibrillation course focusing on AED usage for small groups. Each minute’s delay in starting CPR or using a defibrillator reduces the chance of successful resuscitation by 10%. Knowledge of CPR and AED techniques can greatly improve survival rates during cardiac arrest, potentially saving lives.
The session will cover:
– Recent statistics on cardiac arrests
– The differences between a Heart Attack and Cardiac Arrest
– Ensuring safety at the scene is crucial during a cardiac arrest.
– How to dial 000 – calling an Ambulance
– AED operation demonstration and equipment handling
– Hands-on CPR practice
– The importance of teamwork during a cardiac arrest.
– Exploring the Role of Ambulance Paramedics During Cardiac Arrest
ANZCOR Guideline 7 – Automated External Defibrillation in Basic Life Support